Cold Sore Free Forever

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Are Cold Sores Contagious When Dormant

Fever blisters are brought on by herpes simplex virus type 1, and they are contagious. Such infection is also referred to as Labialis. It commonly affects an individual's lips, and in case a person is infected with the infection, HSV1 remains dormant in the nerve cells in his pores and skin. Even though the HSV continues to be inactive in numerous times, a number of things such as anxiety, monthly periods, feeling sick, over-exposure to the sun, and several types of substances could cause a repetition, thus a new sore.

The infection exhibits itself in the forms of pain and itchiness. The development of red blisters on one's lip area happens.

The fever blister is contagious and thus, a person should try everything to avoid the spreading to other parts of his body or to stay away from infecting people close to him.

The means concerning how to avert spreading the microbe include: an individual should make his own palms tidy all the time. One should not scratch his own eye or genital area once he has dealt with the sore. One should avoid making out when he has a cold sore. An individual should try everything possible to prevent triggers such as sunlight, the breeze, stress, and certain types of food. One should not make use of items that are capable of scattering the microbe with other people.

There are many fever blister remedies, many of which are homemade which an individual can make use of to be able to get rid of this disease.

The fever blister cures are:

OTC medicine: Such cure gives an individual a comfort to his cold sore discomforts. However, this drug does not cure the microbe totally. OTC medications are suitable for treating a person from pain and may also reduce the period of fever blisters. Such treatment includes over the counter pain-killers and ointments. A person should consult the doctor if the pain continues, or in case it gets worse. The physician might instruct a person to go for antiviral medications. Those drugs are possibly the most effective fever blister remedy for many people.

Use of milk: Right after a person begins seeing the symptoms of cold sore, he must consider the procedure. It does not mean that a person must consume a mug of milk. He must only soak a cotton bud inside milk and then use it to wipe the affected area. It must be performed several times in one day. Such method has proven to be highly effective, and several people also claim that quick usage prevents an outbreak.

Toothbrush changing: Changing of toothbrush is a very effective technique of reducing the pace of the virus. Dental brushes are always delightful for cleansing of the teeth of plaque and germs. Unfortunately, not all of these microbes come off the dental brush after an individual is done. If a person has the cold sore virus, reuse of the same toothbrush speeds up the problem. For that reason, one should replace his dental brush right away to impede this from taking place.

are cold sores contagious when dormant

Are Cold Sores Contagious When Dormant is a post from: Best Cold Sore Treatment

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